My Faith and Health - Textual Criticism, Dr Emoto's Experiments and Meet a Mighty Man

07/18/23 My Faith and Health Newsletter!

In today's My Faith and Health Edition:

  • 🧠 Bible Trivia: Can you get all 5 right? (share with your friends)

  • πŸ™ ️My Faith:   πŸ“– Reliability of the Bible - Textual Criticism

  • 🍏 My Health: 🌿 Frequencies: Dr Emoto’s Rice & Water

  •  Mighty Man: Eric Liddell - The Flying Scottsman

  • ✝️ Bible Verse of the Week: Psalm 30:2

  • 🎁 Rewards: Share and win 

How many can you get right? Can you beat your friends? Share and find out 😊

(Click on an answer and it will launch a new window with the Trivia questions)

He presented himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during ​_________ days and speaking about the kingdom of God. Act 1:3 ESV
Fill in the blank

Reliability of the Bible: Textual Criticism πŸ“œ

Welcome back to this week's edition of our My Faith and Health newsletter! Last time, we dipped our toes into the intriguing waters of the TAP Method - a mnemonic device signifying Textual Criticism, Archaeology, and Prophecy. Today, we're ready to dive deep into the first segment - Textual Criticism.

For many, the Bible stands as a lighthouse, guiding us through life's tumultuous seas. But what assures us that this guiding light is genuine? Is it the original text, as it was intended by its authors? The practice of Textual Criticism has compelling answers.

Now, let's break down Textual Criticism in a 5-step process to help you navigate these questions with confidence.

πŸ’‘ Step 1: Textual Criticism – The Assurance of Originality Just like for any other historical documents - from Homer's Iliad to Aristotle's works - the original writings no longer exist. But fear not! The rigorous science of Textual Criticism steps in to ensure that the texts we study today reflect the author's original message faithfully.

πŸ’‘ Step 2: Timeframe and Text Matching – The Twin Pillars of Confidence Two key factors drive our confidence in Textual Criticism. The first is the span between the original texts and the copies we possess. The second is the consistency of the text across these copies. When we find a close timeframe and consistent texts, we have a winner!

πŸ’‘ Step 3: New Testament – A Reliability Superstar With a scant 100 years (and even less for some fragments) between original and copied texts and over 24,000 copies in various languages, the New Testament holds the crown for the most reliable historical document! To illustrate, let's compare these figures to Plato's and Aristotle's writings, which have gaps of 1,200 and 1,400 years, respectively, and a mere 7 and 49 copies each.

πŸ’‘ Step 4: Old Testament – The Trustworthy Beacon Jewish scribes were painstakingly meticulous about preserving the Old Testament, making it another reliable source of wisdom. They viewed their role as sacred – ensuring the word of God was copied with absolute accuracy. If a single error appeared, the entire page would be discarded. Also, as Jesus often quoted from the Old Testament, we see a vote of confidence in its authenticity.

πŸ’‘ Step 5: Dead Sea Scrolls – The Old Testament's Ace in the Hole (Optional) While the Old Testament doesn't boast the same textual wealth as the New Testament, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls turned the tide. These ancient fragments pushed the evidence for the Old Testament back by an entire millennium, further confirming its textual accuracy.

By understanding the power of Textual Criticism, we can deepen our appreciation of the Bible's reliability. Join us next time as we continue exploring the next component of the TAP Method – Archaeology. Until then, stay strong in your faith, and health!

Please share this newsletter with your friends and let them know about the exciting journey of discovery we're embarking on together! πŸ“šπŸ’ͺ🌟 πŸ“–

Here are some links to key resources on textual criticism related to your Bible newsletter overview:

These resources provide a good mix of videos, articles, and external references to help back up and expand on the key textual criticism points made in the newsletter overview. Let me know if you need any other details!

Dr Masaru Emoto’s Rice and Water Experiments & Your Well Being

This week, we're delving into the captivating realm of Dr. Masaru Emoto's Rice and Water Experiments. Prepare to be amazed at how frequencies can play a substantial role in our well-being.

πŸ”¬ Dr. Emoto's Experiment - The Overview

Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto sought to uncover how human consciousness and emotions could impact the molecular structure of water. His unique method involved filling three jars with cooked rice and water, then treating each differently: expressing gratitude to one, neglecting another, and verbally abusing the third. The results were astonishing. The 'thanked' jar began to ferment and give off a pleasant aroma, while the other two jars rotted, with the 'abused' one faring the worst.

πŸ§ͺ The Science Behind the Experiment

While Dr. Emoto's experiments have faced scrutiny for lack of strict scientific protocols, the underlying principle aligns with accepted quantum physics theories. It revolves around the concept that everything in the universe, including our thoughts and emotions, are made up of energy and emit certain frequencies.

These frequencies can potentially interact with our surroundings, especially with water, given its adaptive nature. As the human body is approximately 60% water, the frequencies we emit could influence our body's molecular structure, thereby affecting our health and well-being.

🌐 Frequencies and the Human Body

The potential implications of Dr. Emoto's experiment on human health are significant. If our thoughts and emotions can influence water at a molecular level, imagine the impact on our bodies, which are primarily made up of water.

Positive emotions like love, gratitude, and joy have high frequencies, which can promote healing and wellbeing. Conversely, negative emotions like anger, fear, and resentment vibrate at lower frequencies and can potentially lead to disease and ill health.

By consciously choosing positive thoughts and emotions, we may be able to raise our vibrational frequency and, in turn, boost our health and vitality.

πŸƒ In Conclusion

The findings from Dr. Emoto's experiment invite us to approach our prayers and emotions with mindfulness. Prayers and a positive mindset and gratitude might have more to do with our health than we previously realized.

Next time you find yourself in a difficult situation, try switching to a positive frequency. Pray for your health. Your body will thank you for it!

Remember, the journey to health is a personal one, and every step forward is a victory.

Here are links to 5 key resources related to Dr. Masaru Emoto's rice and water experiments:

  1. The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto:

  2. The Miracle of Water Film:

  3. Emoto Peace Project Website:

The first link is to Emoto's bestselling book that sparked global interest. The next two are videos showcasing his live water and rice experiments. The fourth is his organization's site with rice project details. The last is the film featuring his work alongside quantum concepts.

Exploring these seminal resources will provide a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and experiments done by Dr. Emoto regarding water's ability to reflect energy and intent.

Eric Liddel - β€œChariot’s of Fire”

In this week's Mighty Man spotlight, we're turning our attention to an extraordinary individual who beautifully merged faith and athleticism, Eric Liddell. His life story is a profound testament to living for God's glory, even in the realm of sports.πŸ™πŸ’ͺ

πŸ…Eric Liddell - The "Flying Scotsman"

Eric Liddell, fondly known as the "Flying Scotsman," was a gifted athlete who won a gold medal at the 1924 Paris Olympics in the 400m race. However, what set Liddell apart from many of his contemporaries was his unyielding commitment to his faith, which shaped every aspect of his life, including his athletic career.

πŸ™Steadfast in His Faith

One of the most remembered incidents from Liddell's life was his decision not to run in the 100m race, his best event, at the 1924 Olympics. The heats for the event were scheduled on a Sunday, which was against his Christian beliefs to observe the Sabbath as a day of rest. Despite intense pressure, he refused to compromise his principles, a testament to his strong faith.

πŸ₯‡Triumph and Glory

Despite this setback, Liddell competed in the 400m race, which wasn't his strongest event. Miraculously, he emerged victorious, breaking the existing Olympic and world records. Many attribute his unexpected success to his deep-seated belief in divine help.

πŸ“šBeyond the Track

After his Olympic success, Liddell devoted his life to missionary work in China. His dedication to service, driven by his profound faith, continued even in a Japanese internment camp during World War II, where he eventually died of a brain tumor.

Eric Liddell's story is a powerful reminder that we can dedicate every aspect of our lives, including our physical abilities and achievements, to the glory of God. His legacy continues to inspire athletes and individuals globally, proving that faith and integrity can shine brightly, even on the sports field.πŸ’ͺπŸŒ±πŸ’– πŸ“–

Here are some links to learn more about Eric Liddell's inspiring story of faith and athleticism:

Liddell's principled stand and unexpected victory continue to inspire Christians in sports and beyond. His story is a testament to passionately pursuing athletic gifts while keeping faith first.

Bible Verse of the Week

Psalm 30:2 ESV

O LORD my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me.

In Psalm 30:2, "O LORD my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me," the psalmist beautifully acknowledges God as a responsive healer and comforter.

This verse speaks to the heart of every individual who has been in desperate need, crying out to God in their distress. It is a reminder that no plea to God goes unheard, no tear unnoticed. It is an affirmation of God's character - He is our attentive and compassionate Father who responds to the cry of His children. His healing might not always manifest in the way we imagine or desire, but it's there, real and transformative.

What we perceive as healing varies from physical to emotional to spiritual recovery, but what remains constant is God's love and willingness to restore us. This verse encourages us not to hold back our pleas for help, no matter how desperate or helpless we feel. The psalmist’s testimony serves to reinforce our faith and confidence in the healing power of God, reminding us that in times of hardship, God is our refuge, and when we call out to Him, He hears us and provides the healing we need.

Therefore, let this verse be a constant reminder of God's promise to hear our cries and provide healing. It invites us to trust in His love and faithfulness more deeply and to approach Him with honesty, confident that He will not turn a deaf ear to our supplications πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ’’πŸŽπŸ’«πŸ‘₯

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