My Faith and Health - Bible Reliability - Archeology, Top 7 Natures Cures, Priscilla Shirer

07/25/23 Unlock a NEW Crossword!

In today's My Faith and Health Edition - Your Health, Nature's Way: Top 7 Natural Remedies Revealed! ASLO - Unlock the NEW Crossword! See details below

  • 🧠 Bible Trivia: Can you get all 5 right? (share with your friends)

  • πŸ™ ️My Faith:   πŸ“– Reliability of the Bible - Archeology Proof

  • 🍏 My Health: 🌿 Nature's Top 7 Cures Unveiled

  • πŸ‘ΈπŸ½ Majestic Women: Priscilla Shirer - Empowering Women

  • ✝️ Bible Verse of the Week: Proverbs 27:17

  • 🎁 Rewards: Share and win 

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And Jesus said to him, β€œDo you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one​ _______ upon another that will not be thrown down.” Mark 13:2 ESV
Fill in the blank

Reliability of the Bible: Archeology 🏺

Reliability of the Bible (TAP): Archeology's Support for the Bible 🏺✝️

As we continue exploring the TAP Method, we're focusing today on the "A" - Archeology. While it's essential to understand that archeology doesn't "prove" in the absolute sense, it certainly uncovers significant evidences pointing towards the truths in the Bible. Over time, numerous skeptics have been silenced by the weight of archeological discoveries, with evidence continuing to accumulate in favor of biblical narratives. Here's our handy guide to remembering the key points of this fascinating field:

Step 1: Unearthing Biblical Support πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ There have been over 100,000 archeological discoveries supporting the Bible's accounts. "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" by Josh McDowell, published in 1992, already listed over 90,000 findings, and the last two decades have further enriched this catalogue.

Step 2: From Skepticism to Confirmation 🧭 Archeology has repeatedly vindicated the Bible, leaving critics in its dust. Remember the skepticism about the existence of Nazareth or the Hittites? Both were confirmed through archeological research, quelling doubts about the New and Old Testaments respectively. You can even study the Hittite language at many universities today!

Step 3: Vindicating Luke, the Historian πŸ“œ The Gospel of Luke was once a target of criticism, but has since been acknowledged for its historical precision. Critics questioned Luke's accounts of events surrounding Jesus' birth in Luke 2:1-3. They disputed the census, named the wrong governor of Syria, and denied the need for ancestral home return. However, archeology stepped in, confirming Luke's version on all three accounts.

Step 4: Trusting in Historical Truths πŸ•°οΈ With such an abundance of supporting evidence, we can confidently trust that the events described in the Bible are genuine historical accounts. There's an extensive list of archeological findings backing the Bible, but these are the foundational points to know and share.

So, there you have it - a quick tour of the archeological arena where science and scripture intersect, illuminating our understanding of biblical history. Until our next stop on the TAP journey!

Nature's Top 7 Cures Unveiled

Harvesting Health: Nature's Top 7 Cures Unveiled πŸŒΏπŸŒΈ

Throughout history, mankind has found solace and remedies in Mother Nature's pharmacy. With an assortment of plants and natural compounds, she has offered us treatments for an array of ailments, long before the advent of modern medicine. Today, let's explore the top seven most popular all-natural methods for promoting health and wellness.

  1. Garlic for Heart Health ❀️ Used in culinary delights around the globe, garlic also boasts powerful health benefits. Its active compound, allicin, helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, protecting against heart disease.

    • This article from Cleveland Clinic explains how garlic can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and protect against heart disease. It also provides some tips on how to use garlic in your diet. Link

  2. Chamomile to Soothe Anxiety πŸ΅ Renowned for its calming properties, chamomile tea is often used to alleviate stress and anxiety. It's also a popular sleep aid, helping to promote quality rest and relaxation.

    • This article from Healthline discusses the benefits of chamomile tea for anxiety, sleep, and pain relief. It also reviews the evidence, side effects, and dosage of chamomile. Link

  3. Ginger for Digestive Health πŸŒ± Used in a variety of forms - from fresh root to powders and teas - ginger is a potent natural remedy for digestive complaints. It can alleviate nausea, soothe stomach aches, and aid in digestion.

    • This article from The Healthy RD summarizes the amazing benefits of ginger for digestion, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, infections, and more. It also gives some suggestions on how to use ginger in various forms. Link

  4. Turmeric for Inflammation πŸ§‘ Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is a potent anti-inflammatory. It can help combat chronic inflammation and pain, and is often used to support joint health.

    • This article from Healthline tells you everything you need to know about turmeric and its effects on inflammation and diabetes. It also covers the types, dosage, and precautions of turmeric. Link

  5. Peppermint for Headaches πŸ’† Inhaled or applied topically, peppermint oil can relieve tension headaches. Its cooling effect eases muscle contractions in the head and neck, offering natural pain relief.

    • This article from Healthline explores how peppermint oil can help relieve headaches and migraines. It also explains how to use peppermint oil in different ways and what to watch out for. Link

  6. Echinacea for Immunity πŸ›‘οΈ This vibrant flower is not just a pretty sight; it's also a potent immunity booster. Echinacea is often used to prevent and treat colds, flus, and other infections.

    • This article from Medical News Today reviews the benefits, uses, side effects, and effectiveness of echinacea for boosting immunity and fighting infections. It also compares the different types and forms of echinacea. Link

  7. Cinnamon to Regulate Blood Sugar πŸŽ A sprinkle of cinnamon doesn't just spice up your oatmeal; it can also help regulate blood sugar levels. This makes it a valuable ally in managing and preventing type 2 diabetes.

    • This article from Healthline reveals how cinnamon can lower blood sugar and fight diabetes by imitating insulin and improving glucose metabolism. It also advises on the amount and quality of cinnamon to use. Link

As always, remember that these remedies do not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new natural treatment, especially if you're currently taking any medication.

Unleash the power of nature's cures, and nurture your health in the most organic way. We look forward to exploring more wellness secrets in the next issue of My Faith and Health. Stay healthy, stay blessed!

Priscilla Shirer - Empowering Women Through Biblical Teachings

🌟 This week, we're spotlighting a true titan of faith, Priscilla Shirer, in our Majestic Women section. As a celebrated Bible teacher, speaker, and author, Priscilla's teachings have reached across the globe, inspiring and empowering women through practical application of scripture.

Here are the highlights of her journey:

  • πŸ“š Recognized for her knack for breaking down complex biblical concepts into understandable, actionable insights.

  • 🚺 Led the way in a traditionally male-dominated field of biblical exposition, inspiring countless women to follow in her footsteps.

  • πŸ“– Authored several bestsellers, including "Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer" and "The Armor of God".

  • πŸ™ Priscilla's teachings on prayer and spiritual warfare have become pillars in many women's faith journeys.

  • πŸ’Ž She has a passion for helping women delve into the treasures of the Bible, transforming their lives in the process.

Let's celebrate Priscilla Shirer for her dedication and commitment to empowering women through biblical teachings. Share this inspiring Majestic Woman's story with a friend today! πŸ’ŒπŸ™Œ

For more details about her Going Beyond Ministries: Link

NEW GAME: My Faith and Health Crossword - Top 15 Heroes of the Bible!

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Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

As we meditate upon the sacred wisdom of Proverbs 27:17, we are encouraged to reflect on the significance of brotherhood and mutual growth in our spiritual journey.

The text shares, "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." What a striking image of mutual edification and growth! Just as iron becomes more useful through friction with another iron, so too do we, as disciples of Christ, refine and polish each other in our pursuit of righteousness.

As individuals, our weaknesses and strengths may vary. However, in the family of God, we're not meant to walk this path alone. Through fellowship, prayer, and the sharing of our faith, we become the instrument of God to sharpen one another. In helping others rise, we find our own spiritual journey deepening, and our understanding of God's love and wisdom expanding.

So, I encourage you today - reach out to your brothers and sisters in faith. Share, learn, grow, and remember, just as iron sharpens iron, we too are here to help each other on our journey towards God. After all, we are not just solitary beings, but vital parts of a spiritual body, growing and maturing together in Christ's love. πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ’’πŸŽπŸ’«πŸ‘₯

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