My Faith and Health - 3 Winning Strategies for Temptation, Amazing Fanny Crosby, Unsung Health Hero

Bonus Joke πŸ˜‚πŸ¦†πŸŒ§οΈ and the top 3 Tactics for Temptation...

In today's My Faith and Health Edition:

  • 🦸 Bible Trivia: Temptation

  • πŸ™ ️My Faith: Top 3 Tactics for Surviving Temptation

  • 🍏 My Health: Your Unsung Health Hero

  • πŸ‘‘ Majestic Woman: Fanny Crosby – The Visionary Songstress!

  • ✝️ Bible Verse of the Week: Psalm 119:11

  • 🎁 Rewards: Share and win 

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Take Your Best Guess and Find the Answers Below!

  1. Which Bible verse emphasizes the importance of donning the full armor of God to stand against worldly temptations?

    • a) Romans 8:31

    • b) Ephesians 6:11

    • c) Psalm 23:4

    • d) John 3:16

    • e) Matthew 5:16

  2. In the context of resisting temptation, which of the following tactics involves replacing harmful desires with godly ones?

    • a) Physical Avoidance

    • b) Mindful Mediation

    • c) Renewing of the Mind

    • d) Confrontational Conquest

    • e) Intense Intercession

  3. Which hymn writer, despite her physical blindness, penned some of the most spiritually insightful songs of Christian history, including "Blessed Assurance"?

    • a) Harriet Beecher Stowe

    • b) Elizabeth Clephane

    • c) Sarah Flower Adams

    • d) Fanny Crosby

    • e) Clara H. Scott

BONUS Joke of the week:

  • Why did Noah have to discipline the ducks on the Ark?

  • They kept quacking under pressure! πŸ˜‚πŸ¦†πŸŒ§οΈ

πŸ›‘οΈ From Lured to Secured: 3 Faith-Fueled Tactics Against Temptation βš”οΈ 🌟

The Bible offers wisdom and guidance on how to resist temptation and live a life that reflects Christ's teachings. Here are three tactics based on biblical principles to deal with worldly temptations:

  1. Flee and Avoid Temptation

    • Biblical Foundation: "Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body." (1 Corinthians 6:18) and "So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart." (2 Timothy 2:22)

    • Application: When faced with temptation, sometimes the best strategy is to physically remove yourself from the situation or avoid environments where you know you're susceptible. For instance, if someone struggles with alcohol, it might be wise to avoid places or gatherings where drinking is the primary activity.

  2. Arm Yourself with Scripture

    • Biblical Foundation: "I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:11) and when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, he responded to Satan's temptations by quoting Scripture (Matthew 4:1-11).

    • Application: Familiarize yourself with biblical verses that resonate with your specific temptations. When those temptations arise, recite or meditate on these verses. Over time, the truths of Scripture can reshape your thoughts and desires, helping you to resist when enticed.

  3. Stay Accountable and Seek Fellowship

    • Biblical Foundation: "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." (James 5:16) and "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." (Hebrews 10:24-25)

    • Application: Share your struggles with a trusted friend, family member, or church member who can offer prayer, encouragement, and support. Regularly meeting with this person can provide the accountability you need to remain steadfast.

Remember, while these tactics are beneficial, it's also essential to rely on the Holy Spirit, who empowers believers to overcome temptation and live in a manner pleasing to God. πŸŒˆπŸ›‘οΈ

Stay blessed and never forget that with faith and the right tactics, no battle is too big. Dive deeper into our My Faith and Health sections for more insights and stories of hope. πŸ•ŠοΈπŸŒ±  Amen πŸ™

 πŸŒ± Magnesium: The Unsung Hero of Essential Minerals 🌱 

Magnesium is a versatile mineral that is crucial for many functions in the body. But in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often overlook its importance. Let's dive into the incredible role of magnesium in our health, its application, and hear a story that underscores its significance.

Magnesium and Its Marvels:

  • Energy Production: Magnesium is vital for the conversion of food into energy.

  • Bone Health: It's a key component in the formation of strong, healthy bones.

  • Heart Health: Magnesium helps to maintain a healthy heart rhythm and can support overall cardiovascular health.

  • Muscle Function: It assists in muscle contraction and relaxation, helping to prevent cramps.

  • Nerve Function: Magnesium aids in regulating neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout the brain and body.

πŸ“ Tips & Tricks:

  1. Daily Dose: Adults should aim for 310-420 mg per day, depending on age and gender.

  2. Natural Sources: Opt for foods rich in magnesium, such as dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes.

  3. Supplement Smartly: Find great options on the Health Rangers’ Store or Dr Ardis’ Store 

  4. Topical Application: Magnesium oil or lotion can be applied to the skin, which may help with localized pain or cramps.

  5. Beware of Depleters: Excessive alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, and certain medications can reduce magnesium levels in the body. Keep a balance!

πŸ“– Jennifer's Magnesium Moment: Jennifer, a 42-year-old marathon runner, started experiencing troubling muscle cramps midway through her training regimen. Initially, she attributed it to overexertion, but even after taking adequate rest and hydration, the problem persisted. A visit to a nutritionist revealed a surprising diagnosis: magnesium deficiency. The nutritionist explained that her intensive training was burning through her magnesium stores faster than she could replenish with her regular diet. Taking this advice to heart, Jennifer revamped her diet to include magnesium-rich foods and began taking a magnesium supplement. Within weeks, not only did her muscle cramps subside, but she also noticed better sleep and reduced anxiety levels. Jennifer completed her marathon, but the real victory was the life-long lesson about the importance of magnesium.

In conclusion, while magnesium might not often make the headlines, it remains an indispensable part of our health toolkit. Are you getting your daily dose? 🌿🌟 

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Fanny Crosby – The Visionary Songstress! 🎢✨🌟 

Blind from Birth but Visionary in Spirit: Born in 1820, Fanny Crosby lost her sight when she was only six weeks old. Yet, her physical blindness never deterred her spiritual vision. She once remarked, "I might not have sung hymns to the praise of God if I had been distracted by the beautiful things around me."

  • Hymn-Writing Prodigy: πŸ“œβœοΈ

    • With over 8,000 hymns credited to her name, Fanny's songs have touched countless souls worldwide.

    • You've probably sung some of her classics like "Blessed Assurance," "To God Be the Glory," and "Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior."

  • Educator and Advocate: πŸ«πŸ’‘

    • Fanny didn’t just stop at hymn-writing. She was also a dedicated teacher at the New York Institution for the Blind for several years.

    • Her life and achievements brought attention to the capabilities and potential of those who are visually impaired.

  • An Unexpected Encounter: πŸŒ…πŸ™Œ

    • One day, a well-meaning preacher remarked to Fanny, "I think it's a great pity that the Master did not give you sight when He showered so many other gifts upon you."

    • Her instant response: "Do you know that if at birth I had been able to make one petition, it would have been that I was born blind?" She knew that in the morning of the Resurrection, the first face she would ever glance upon would be that of her Savior.

  • Legacy of Faith: πŸ•ŠοΈπŸŽ™οΈ

    • Even after her passing in 1915, Fanny Crosby's hymns continue to inspire. They are sung in churches around the world, a testament to her enduring faith and deep relationship with God.

Through every note she penned and every word she spoke, Fanny Crosby's life serves as a magnificent testament to unwavering faith and the power of turning challenges into God-given opportunities! πŸŒŸπŸŽ΅

Christianity: This article highlights 10 things you need to know about Fanny Crosby, such as her family background, her musical talents, her spiritual journey, her social activism, and her personal anecdotes. It also includes some of her inspiring quotes on daily living, faith, and gratitude.

Britannica: This article offers a concise summary of Fanny Crosby’s life and achievements, emphasizing her popularity and productivity as a hymn writer. It also notes some of the challenges and controversies she faced in her career and personal life.

β€œI have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”

Life is a vibrant journey, often marred by choices and challenges (AKA - Temptations). Yet, amidst it all, we have a beacon - God's Word.

  • Heart as a Vault: Visualize your heart as a treasury. What's stored in it? With every scripture we internalize, we add God's golden wisdom to our cache.

  • Purpose: This stored Word is our shield against temptations. It's not mere rules, but a life map.

  • Life's Labyrinth: In the intricate maze of life, God’s Word in our heart guides us, preventing missteps.

  • Joseph's Lesson: Remember Joseph in Egypt? His heart, rich with God's Word, shielded him during temptation.

  • Storing the Word: Engage daily with Scriptures. Let verses resonate, memorize them, and let them fortify your heart.

Let God’s teachings be your cherished treasure, lighting your way. Stay blessed. 🌟

Amen. πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ’’πŸŽπŸ’«πŸ‘₯

Bible Trivia Answers

  1. Which Bible verse emphasizes the importance of donning the full armor of God to stand against worldly temptations?

    a) Romans 8:31

    b) Ephesians 6:11

    c) Psalm 23:4

    d) John 3:16

    e) Matthew 5:16

    Correct Answer: b) Ephesians 6:11

  2. In the context of resisting temptation, which of the following tactics involves replacing harmful desires with godly ones?

    a) Physical Avoidance

    b) Mindful Mediation

    c) Renewing of the Mind

    d) Confrontational Conquest

    e) Intense Intercession

    Correct Answer: c) Renewing of the Mind

  3. Which hymn writer, despite her physical blindness, penned some of the most spiritually insightful songs of Christian history, including "Blessed Assurance"?

    a) Harriet Beecher Stowe

    b) Elizabeth Clephane

    c) Sarah Flower Adams

    d) Fanny Crosby

    e) Clara H. Scott

    Correct Answer: d) Fanny Crosby

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