My Faith and Health - 3 Strange Biblical Facts, Sweet Hydration, Queen Esther, John 11:35

Bonus Joke 😂 and Strange Bible Facts...

In today's My Faith and Health Edition:

  • 🦸 Bible Trivia (and Joke): Most Majestic Women of Israel

  • 🙏My Faith: 3 Strange Biblical Facts

  • 🍏 My Health: Sweet Hydration!

  • 👑 Majestic Women: Queen Esther

  • ✝️ Bible Verse of the Week: John 11:35

  • 🎁 Rewards: Share and win 

Trivia Question❓

In the Bible, which woman is described as being "majestic above all other women in Israel"?

Answer at the bottom of the newsletter


Joke of the Week

Why did the Bible characters start an all-natural health club?

Because they wanted to work on their faith muscles and build some "holy" gains!

My Faith

  • The concept of the Trinity, which characterizes God as three persons in one, is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. The word "Trinity" is not found in the holy book, but the belief developed over centuries through theological discussions and interpretations of various biblical passages.

  • The Bible does not specify the number of wise men who visited Jesus after his birth. Though often depicted as three in nativity scenes, the Bible only mentions the wise men bringing three gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Consequently, the actual number of magi remains uncertain.

  • There is a passage in the Bible (2 Kings 2: 23-24) where God sends two bears to attack a group of boys who mocked the prophet Elisha for his baldness. This unusual incident can be perplexing, as it contrasts with the general teachings of love and compassion found throughout the biblical text.

My Faith

The article discusses twelve prophetic signs that indicate we are living in the end times.

These signs include the restoration of Israel, increased global travel and knowledge, the rise of false prophets and spiritual deception, intensifying natural disasters, the advancement of technology enabling a global surveillance system, the decline of morality and increase in lawlessness, the push for a one-world government, the persecution of Christians, the emergence of a global monetary system, the return of the Jewish people to faith in Jesus, the alignment of nations against Israel, and the mathematical probability of all these signs converging.

The author suggests that these signs point to the imminent return of Christ.

My Health

A secret hack for all-natural health is to prioritize hydration with infused water.

Infusing water with various fruits, herbs, and even vegetables like cucumber can provide numerous benefits.

This hack not only makes water more exciting but also boosts its nutritional content.

For instance, adding lemon slices can enhance digestion and immune function due to their vitamin C content.

Mint leaves, on the other hand, can aid in digestion and alleviate bloating.

Infused water also helps curb sugary beverage cravings, making it an excellent alternative for those aiming to reduce their intake of unhealthy drinks.

By making infused water a daily habit, you can effortlessly enhance your overall health and well-being.

My Health News

The article discusses the United Nations' increasing authority over national healthcare systems, raising concerns about a global power grab.

It highlights efforts by the World Health Organization (WHO) to expand its influence, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The article suggests that these actions risk undermining national sovereignty as countries become more dependent on the UN for their healthcare decisions.

It calls for vigilance and resistance against the encroachment on national sovereignty in order to protect the interests and autonomy of individual nations.

Majestic Woman - Queen Esther

Today we honor an incredible Biblical "Majestic Woman" Here's a summary of who she is and why she's such an important figure in the Bible and an inspiration to women worldwide.

In the ancient Persian kingdom ruled by King Ahasuerus (also known as Xerxes), Queen Vashti is dethroned for refusing the king's orders. A search for a new queen leads to Esther, a young Jewish woman raised by her cousin Mordecai. Keeping her Jewish identity a secret, she gains favor and becomes queen. Mordecai uncovers a plot to assassinate the king, and Esther relays the information, saving the king's life.

Haman, a high-ranking official, plans to annihilate the Jews after Mordecai refuses to bow to him. He deceives the king into issuing a death decree against all Jews. Mordecai urges Esther to intervene, overcoming her initial reluctance. After three days of fasting, she courageously approaches the king, risking her life, and invites him and Haman to a banquet. That night, the king, unable to sleep, discovers he has not rewarded Mordecai for saving him.

At the second banquet, Esther reveals her identity and exposes Haman's plot. Haman is hanged, Mordecai is honored, and a new decree is issued, saving the Jews. Esther's bravery and wisdom become legendary, solidifying her as a mighty woman of faith and action.

Majestic Woman - Queen Esther Video

Bible Project Video (Click Here) - What is the book of Esther about in the Bible? Watch as we explain its major themes and gain a deeper understanding of its place in the biblical story.

Bible Message - John 11:35

Ah, the verse that perplexes many: "Jesus wept." John 11:35. The shortest verse in the Bible, yet one of the most profound. Why did the omnipotent Savior, capable of raising the dead, weep? Was it mere sentimentality? Oh no, my friends.

In those two words, we find the very essence of Christ's connection with humanity. Jesus did not weep because He was powerless; He wept because He felt the depths of human sorrow, the sting of death that He Himself would soon face. He wept out of absolute understanding and compassion. Here, He models for us how to engage with the sufferings of this world—not with aloofness but with tears.

So when you find yourselves in the throes of hardship or amidst a hurting world, remember, it is no sin to weep. For in our tears, we find the sacred echo of Jesus Himself, pointing us toward the hope of resurrection and eternal comfort. Amen.

💡 Answer to Trivia Question:

Queen Esther.

My Faith & Health Podcast - Dr Bryan Ardis Episode

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